LOW BACK PAIN Myths, False Beliefs, & WRONG Remedies

The right examination or test/xray/MRI can show what is causing back pain

In the absence of a fairly obvious medical problem like a tumor, NO ONE and NO TEST can tell you with reasonable certainty, what is causing your back pain.1


Being overweight, lifting heavy objects, awkward postures, standing on hard floors causes back problems

Nearly everyone gets low back pain sometime in their life no matter what size they are, or where they work. And getting it is not caused by lifting, bending or awkward postures, although these may be associated with the onset of pain.2


Strong abdominal muscles or core muscles can prevent back pain

If you are alive you are at risk for having back pain. A strong core or strong abdominal muscles will not prevent this occurring.3


Prescription medicine is needed for acute or severe back pain

Multiple studies show over the counter pain relievers is just as effective as prescriptions. Physical Therapy that includes manual therapy or manipulation may be helpful, but only a few sessions should be needed.6


Rest and back exercises are effective

Resting or avoiding activities that may cause pain is NOT helpful, and may prolong your recovery. Back exercises are very unlikely to be helpful. Flexion exercises were very popular in the 60s and 70s and are no more effective than any other exercise you may choose to do.3,4,5


Back problems or chronic back pain “runs in my family”

Chronic back pain or back problems are usually a result of treatment that is ineffective or messaging and instructions based on age-old myths that have no basis in science, research, or simply just a basis in common sense.6


Hurt means Harm and delays recovery/healing

There is no known tissue injury; therefore there is nothing to ‘heal’. Remaining active despite pain has been proven to be helpful.5


Heat or Ice must be applied

All you are trying to do is get pain relief. If “rubbing peanut butter on it” relieves the pain you are accomplishing your goal. Heat or ice application will not “fix” the problem and is not necessary to resolve the back pain.6


A spine specialist is helpful

Referral to other doctors has not been shown to be helpful or improve outcomes. Physical Therapy that includes manual therapy and/or manipulation has been shown to be effective and improve outcomes.6

1 American College of Physicians and American Pain Society; February 1, 2011. Diagnostic Imaging for Low Back Pain: Advice for High-Value Health Care

2 Non-specific low back pain Federico Balagué, Anne F Mannion, Ferran Pellisé, Christine Cedraschi Lancet 2012; 379: 482–91

3 Smith et al. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 2014, 15:416 Page 2 of 21 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2474/15/416

4 Waddell G. The Back Pain Revolution. 2nd ed. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingston;2004:2; p.194-195

5 Rainville J, Pransky G, Indahl A, Mayer EK. The physician as disability advisor for patients with musculoskeletal complaints. Spine. 2005 Nov 15;30(22):2579-84.

6 Worsening Trends in the Management and Treatment of Back Pain

JAMA Intern Med. 2013;173(17):1573-1581. doi:10.1001/jamainternmed.2013.8992

Compiled by Edward L Scott PT, DPT, OCS


PATIENT EDUCATION on Musculoskeletal (MSK) Issues
