“Chronic” Back Pain

Most folks are "chronic" because of the vast amount of mixed messaging (outright mistruths) they have been bombarded with. This would take a lot of deprogramming. For instance, some claim stretching will prevent low back pain. Absolute, complete nonsense. There is not a shred of evidence to support this claim. Some claim that Pilates and core strengthening is preventative. Again, with not a shred of evidence. In fact, evidence shows core stabilization/exercises are no more effective than any other exercise the patient may choose to do.

In a nutshell low back pain is normal, and the surest way to make it a chronic problem is to get into the healthcare system, where you are highly likely going to be exposed to myth, and false premises.

I once told a pain management doctor, "would you like to know how to really help this person?" and he said "yes". I suggested he just reassure them to keep moving despite some pain, and for him to quit scheduling follow up appointments. Simple reassurance and being positive for something that is likely going to go away anyhow is powerfully effective. But most providers unfortunately falsely accuse an anatomic pain generator and give them all kinds of false messages and advice. Then when it doesn't work like they said it would - and it won't - the patient has 'back problems' or a chronic problem.

Edward L. Scott PT, DPT, OCS




Sciatica & MRI